When I rode 120 kilometers something, there are 2 Vietnamese youth named vid and gu riding a motor and show up beside me and suggest to drag me for a few miles. According to common sense, friendly in sudden must be something behind, I wanted to refuse, but an idea suddenly show in my mind, why not take this opportunity to see what they will do? So I agreed to their good intentions.
Along the way, gu talked a lot with me, but I could not understand a word. In the end, he hinted that I buy them a drink or directly give some money as a reward.After i consider, I agreed to drink with them, at the same time i calculate the worst situation and way to escape.
When they took me to a home-style restaurant,two of their friends appear suddenly, i been cautious and looked around for escape routes. They seem don't have any special moves, so we drink and chat happily. Although we have the language barrier, but we still try to use body language to understand each other.
To be safe, I also snapped pictures of them (they refuse when the beginning , but I used my reporter skill to pursuit them , and finally they compromise, ha ha), and exchanged mobile phone numbers.
While we drink,come another two of their friends, I am worried that something might be happen, so i tell them that it is late and i have to continue my journey,so i quickly paid the owner.Gu then also come aside us and pursuit the owner to take more money from me but the owner refuse to do so.
When I leave,Gu insisted to gift me his hat, and one of his friends to give me a cigarette as a greeting gift.
After I leave,I actually think if they try to do something bad,I don't know whether i can successfully get away, ha ha .... incidentally, I saw a girl looked like Zhang Ziyi but unfortunately there is no chance to take her photo.
Vid(left)and Gu
owner and her grandson
the hat they gave me